Auxilary Easter Egg Hunt
The Port Gibson’s Fire Department’s Ladies Auxiliary hosts an annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Fireman’s Field at the corner of Canandaigua Street and Bemis Street in the Hamlet of Port Gibson. The ladies fill hundreds of eggs for three separate hunts for children 10 years old and younger. The hunt starts at 10:00 am sharp with the arrival of the Easter Bunny in the Firetruck, so please be on time!

Open House
Come and visit the Port Gibson Volunteer Fire Department and see what we do. We will have equipment displays, games for the kids, a bounce house, interactive demonstrations, and food!

Auxilary Halloween Party
In October our Ladies Auxiliary hosts it’s annual Halloween party! With a costume contest (ages 0-10), games, crafts, snacks, and entertainment for all!
Entry fee: A non-perishable food item per person.
*All cash and food donations will be distributed to local food pantries.

Turkey Party
In November is our Annual Turkey Party with free refreshments. Turkeys, hams, and meat packs will be raffled off. There are also plenty of second chance door prizes thanks to the many generous donations. Be sure to arrive early for a great seat. Pull tabs will be available to purchase as well. We hope to see you there!